In 2006 Tennessee established Cleanup Response and Documentation Guidance for Properties Quarantined because of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Activities. They have established Tiered response and cleanup activities related to each from a Tier 1 transient cook to a Tier 4 mass production lab however each scenario pertains to meth labs and do not discuss user sites. Porous materials to be removed and disposed of at Class I Landfill. These materials usually include carpet, carpet pad, flexible ducts, paneling, non-washable items and furniture. Encapsulation with an oil-based paint is allowed after surfaces have been washed and rinsed twice. Post testing needs to meet the established standard of 0.1ug/100cm², testing needs to be completed by a third party, usually a Certified Industrial Hygienist. (CIH). Contractors and CIH have to qualify through the state by completing training/testing through the department.