Information for Nevada
The meth lab and meth use epidemic has spread across the continent in recent years affecting urban and rural communities alike. Even with the growing concern over methamphetamine contamination there are currently no laws in Nevada governing the clean up or disclosure of properties that have been busted as meth labs. Nevada remains unregulated and properties that are confirmed contaminated properties are being rented and sold to unwitting families. Meth remediation in Nevada including Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Sparks, Reno, and Carson City – is left up to the property owners to figure out. Fortunately, there are contractors in Nevada that are utilizing the effective, environmentally friendly, cost efficient decontamination solution, Apple Environmental Meth Remover®. The Meth Remover product makes meth clean up of property interiors including the furnace and duct work possible, it is no longer necessary to remove the drywall, cabinets, fixtures, or non-porous flooring to effectively decontaminate a property. This revolutionary product, Apple Environmental Meth Remover®, starts by breaking down the bio-film on the property surfaces and penetrating to the subsurface by altering the PH level. The product aids the process by bringing the contaminants to the surface and bonding the contaminants and dirt to a surfactant to allow for easy removal of contaminated particles. This formulated detergent aids the decontamination process to enhance the physical removal of methamphetamine particles with its aqueous alkaline solution. Apple Environmental Meth Remover® is non-toxic, bleach free, phenol free, and environmentally friendly for the peace of mind of you and your clients. Apple Environmental Meth Remover® is the only meth decontamination product company that also completes meth clean up services, so we understand the clients’ needs and concerns. This is simply the best meth removal product out there.Regulations:
No Regulations at the time of this printing, check with state and local health departments.
Nevada Department of Conservation & Natural Resources 901 S Stewart St Suite 4001, Carson City NV 89701 775-687-9368 The DEA has kept a catalog of properties since 2004 across the nation of locations of clandestine meth lab busts completed by their department, check to see if your property is on their list: EPA Voluntary Guidelines for Methamphetamine Laboratory Cleanup Buy Meth Remover Now