Alaska has established cleanup standards of 0.1ug/100 cm² but they only apply to illegal methamphetamine manufacturing sites. If items are visibly stained they must be removed and disposed of, however all non-porous items may be decontaminated using hot water and detergent cleaning of at least 3 times. Note that wood and granite countertops are considered porous and must be removed and replaced. All floor/wall fans and exhaust vents over stoves/ranges must be removed and disposed of. The ventilation system may be decontaminated. It is recommended that ADEC Qualified Person or Qualified Third Party conduct the verification sampling to clear the property however this is not required, the verification sampling can be performed by anyone including the homeowner. The pre-testing can be completed by the decontamination contractor or home owner, but pre-testing is not required. If the verification samples are not successful in achieving acceptable levels encapsulation of paintable surfaces with two coats of oil based paint or Kilz is recommended. Note that spray on ceiling surfaces that are not removed must be encapsulated by spray painting with two coats of oil-based paint. Meth lab properties are placed on the ADEC list and remain there for five years after cleanup of the site was performed.
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Spill Prevention and Response Division
410 Willoughby Ave Ste 302 or P.O. Box 111800, Juneau AK 99811-1800
The DEA has kept a catalog of properties since 2004 across the nation of locations of clandestine meth lab busts completed by their department, check to see if your property is on their list: